Osteopathy is art and science of treating the body through structural work, fascia, cranial and visceral techniques. It is all encompassing. It was founded by Dr.Andrew Taylor Still in 1892 in Kansas, Missouri. Knowledge of anatomy is imperative.
Another osteopath, Dr. Sutherland then began to focus on the cranium and discovered how forces on the cranial bones strongly influence health, and the craniosacral fluids. Then appeared Dr. Upledger, who founded Craniosacral therapy, making this energetic, and fluid based form of therapy viable to other therapists.
Today the osteopath and craniosacral therapist bridge each other's therapies. The depth of their knowledge and treatment surely varies according to the years of study in anatomy and the complexity of technique.
Quantum Osteo bridges these various forms of therapy and adding on another level. This is allows for bio-dynamic forces to come into play as quantum healing techniques and anatomical and manual knowledge conjoin to take the quantum leap into Quantum Osteo.